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How does background knowledge influence the comprehension of written texts? Describe the skills and strategies that successful readers use when reading?

The Influence of Background Knowledge on Comprehension and the Skills of Successful Readers

Background Knowledge and Comprehension

Background knowledge, also known as prior knowledge or schema, plays a crucial role in how readers understand and interpret written texts. This knowledge encompasses everything a reader knows about the world, including facts, experiences, and cultural contexts that they bring to the reading process. Here’s how background knowledge influences comprehension:

1. Contextual Understanding: Background knowledge provides context for understanding new information. When readers encounter a text, they use their existing knowledge to make sense of unfamiliar content. For example, a reader familiar with medieval history will better understand a historical novel set in that era compared to someone without that knowledge. This contextual understanding helps readers fill in gaps, make predictions, and connect new information to what they already know.

2. Prediction and Inference: Prior knowledge allows readers to make predictions and inferences about the text. As readers read, they anticipate what might come next based on their understanding of the topic. For instance, knowing the typical structure of a mystery novel helps readers anticipate plot twists and character developments, enhancing their engagement and comprehension.

3. Integration of Information: Background knowledge aids in integrating new information with what is already known. Successful readers use their existing schemas to relate new ideas to familiar concepts, facilitating deeper understanding and retention. For example, understanding basic scientific principles helps readers grasp more complex scientific texts by linking new information to established knowledge.

4. Identification of Key Information: Readers with relevant background knowledge are better at identifying key points and distinguishing between important and extraneous information. This ability to filter and prioritize information is crucial for effective comprehension, especially in complex or technical texts.

Skills and Strategies of Successful Readers

Successful readers employ a range of skills and strategies to enhance their comprehension of written texts. These strategies involve active engagement with the text, critical thinking, and adaptive use of reading techniques. Here are some key skills and strategies:

1. Active Reading: Successful readers engage actively with the text by questioning, summarizing, and reflecting. They ask questions about the content, seek answers within the text, and make connections to their background knowledge. Active reading involves highlighting or annotating key points, which helps in retaining and recalling important information.

2. Predicting and Inferring: Skilled readers use prediction and inference to anticipate content and fill in gaps. Before reading, they may preview headings, subheadings, and images to predict what the text will cover. During reading, they infer meaning from context clues and make educated guesses about unknown words or concepts.

3. Monitoring Comprehension: Effective readers continuously monitor their understanding of the text. They check if what they are reading makes sense and if not, they employ strategies to resolve confusion, such as re-reading, adjusting their reading speed, or seeking additional information.

4. Adjusting Reading Strategies: Successful readers adapt their reading strategies based on the type of text and purpose of reading. For example, when reading a narrative, they focus on plot and character development, while in technical or academic texts, they might focus on extracting key concepts and understanding arguments. This adaptability ensures that their approach aligns with the demands of the text.

5. Summarizing and Paraphrasing: Summarizing and paraphrasing are crucial for consolidating understanding. Successful readers periodically pause to summarize what they have read in their own words. This helps in reinforcing comprehension and retaining information.

6. Using Context Clues: Skilled readers use context clues to decipher unfamiliar words or concepts. By examining the surrounding text, they infer meanings and grasp the overall message, even if they do not know every word.

7. Engaging with Text Structure: Understanding the structure of a text, such as the organization of ideas in essays or the development of arguments in articles, aids in comprehension. Recognizing patterns such as cause and effect, comparison and contrast, or problem and solution helps readers follow the text’s logical flow.

8. Building Vocabulary: A strong vocabulary is essential for effective reading. Successful readers continually expand their vocabulary and use strategies such as word analysis, looking at prefixes, suffixes, and root words, to understand and remember new words.

9. Reflecting and Evaluating: After reading, successful readers reflect on the content and evaluate its significance. They consider the implications of the text, its relevance to other knowledge, and its impact on their understanding of the topic.


Background knowledge significantly enhances comprehension by providing context, aiding prediction and inference, and facilitating the integration of new information. Successful readers employ a variety of skills and strategies to navigate texts effectively, including active reading, monitoring comprehension, adjusting strategies, and using context clues. By leveraging background knowledge and applying these strategies, readers improve their ability to understand, retain, and apply information from written texts.

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