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What is a Company? Explain its important features.

 A company is a legal entity formed by a group of individuals to engage in and operate a business— commercial or industrial—enterprise. A company may be organized in various ways for tax and  financial liability purposes depending on the corporate law of its jurisdiction.

The line of business the company is in will generally determine which business structure it  chooses such as a partnership, proprietorship, or corporation. These structures also denote the  ownership structure of the company.

They can also be distinguished between private and public companies. Both have different  ownership structures, regulations, and financial reporting requirements.

Features & Characteristics Of A Company

Incorporated association: A company comes into existence when it is registered under the Companies Act (or other equivalent act under the law). A company has to fulfil requirements in terms of documents (MOA, AOA), shareholders, directors, and share capital to be deemed as a legal association.

Artificial Legal Person: In the eyes of the law, A company is an artificial legal person which has the rights to acquire or dispose of any property, to enter into contracts in its own name, and to sue and be sued by others.

Separate Legal Entity: A company has a distinct entity and is independent of its members or  people controlling it. A separate legal entity means that only the company is responsible to repay creditors and to get sued for its deeds. The individual members cannot be sued for actions performed by the company. Similarly, the company is not liable to pay personal debts of the members.

Perpetual Existence: Unlike other non-registered business entities, a company is a stable business organisation. Its life doesn’t depend on the life of its shareholders, directors, or employees. Members may come and go but the company goes on forever.

Common Seal: A company being an artificial legal person, uses its common seal (with the name of the company engraved on it) as a substitute for its signature. Any document bearing the common seal of the company will be legally binding on the company.

Limited Liability: A company may be limited by guarantee or limited by shares. In a company limited by shares, the liability of the shareholders is limited to the unpaid value of their shares. 

In a company limited by guarantee, the liability of the members is limited to the amount they had agreed upon to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of it being wound up.

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