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Discuss the main features of middle class in India with suitable examples.

  Since 2004-05 India has gone through rapid change in the size of middle class. And it is quite acceptable that the size of middle class would be more than double in next 10 years. According to National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), there is middle-class population of 267 million in 2016 and estimated that the size of middle-class would be 475 million by 2030. The increase in size of middle-class is the biggest socio-economic change till now. This part of hierarchy mn society is not treated as rich nor as poor. In hierarchical terms middle-class is above poor segment (lower-class) and below riches (upper-class). Middle-class population is having an involvement in each sector; service, agriculture & industrial.

Some reports argue that, amounting to nearly half of India’s population comes under the strata of middle-class. Who are they? In monetary terms middle-class is that part of population who spends in between $2 (Rs 128) and $10 (Rs 655). Some economists defines it in tenns of lifestyle of person. Like the one whose commonly uses scooter or motor cycle, who can not afford luxury lifestyle on who gets most affected with inflation. we can define middle-class as;

The group of people which belongs to that position in strata, who are neither rich nor poor, whose only basic necessities (like: Food, Cloth, Shelter, Education and Healthcare) are fulfilled but they are still deprived of quality or standard in their living But plays big role in market, and responsible for maintaining balance in society due to their size.

The people belonging to middle-class are from different background, castes & religion but with common interest. Since movement for independence in India they played an strong role, It would be right to say that middle-class is base of protest and demonstration in national movements.

The emergence of middle-class is associated with, urban and educated with a salaried job, qualified and independent professionals; enterprising, mobile and young women and men. The main reason of growth in middle class is economic development also which leads to increasing job opportunities. Middle-class in present era is the reason of economic empowerment, political awareness & cultural stability. They are also known as “Managerial Class” as they are at higher rank than of ‘wage earners’ and also obtained good education and training.

Globally there is rapid development in middle-class that in 2011, 784 million of people in world belongs to middle-class which is about 13% of worlds’ population. Even the country like china whose per capita is around 25%0f US’ is trapped into middle income trap. As according to world bank the country with more than $12,236 Gross National Income (GNI) calculated as per Atlas Method will be considered as high-income economy. Where India is called Lower-Middle come country.

Economic reform has provided the Indian middle class the most needed the liberation mn terms of living life to the most. There has been a constant shift in the cultural sign and symbols adapted through ages. Disappearance of girl's pig tail, freedom of mobility through scooterette, providing the elders their own space of living, telecommunication evolution, explosion in the passenger car segment , changing clothing pattern are few of the visible pattems in society. Girl's pony tail were a symbol of desired feminine reserved nature which has seen a change both in length and its handling. The shortening of hair gives a girl a sense of personal control displayed metaphorically. The scooty revolution has helped the female to expand her boundaries without being dependent on any family member providing her a sense of independence. Even the car owned has seen a shift towards adapting more compact cars. The recent shift from petrol to electric and LPG based cars not only signifies the change in attitude towards efficiency but also the urge to keep up technologically. Dhoni has been one the true middle class iconic figures which has altered the way Indian see a small town boy. The “can do’ attitude along with the lack of fear of failure and unmindfulness of hierarchy has been the reason behind success of Dhoni. Any Indian middle class can draw inspiration from him in the way towards dealing with pressure and performing without fear of failure. The increase in disposable income has led to the change in attitude towards life, attitude towards savings. The Indian middle class is not afraid to take risks in life to get a bigger return. He is in constant search of avenues of making money. An age where money has its own language, and the person in possession of money is in possession of power. It has become the source of energy which drives the entire economy, of which Indian middle class has played the most important role.

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