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Comment on the development of the Nigerian novel.

  The Northern part of Nigeria is very different from the south and the east and this difference is not due to geography and climatic condition alone. The people living in we northern parts of Nigeria were called the Hausa people and were primary farmers. They were conquered by the Berber people from further north around the eight century ADE. It was around this time that people from the Middle East and northern Africa came into the continent, primarily with the aim of spreading Islam. Another group of Berbers came to the area a little later and completed the task of conquering the remaining states of northern Nigeria.

Around ADE 1000, these Berbers even ventured to the south, which is the land of the Yorubas and conquered part of it as well. However, they could impose on the Yoruba people neither their language nor their religion.

In the early parts of the 19th century, the Hausa people in the north were overrun by the Fulani who waged a holy war against them in the name of a purer and truer Islam under the leadership of Usuman Dan Fodio (1754 – 1817), who was a Fulani religious teacher, revolutionary, military leader, writer, and promoter of Sunni Islam and the founder of the Sokoto Caliphate. The Fulani divided the area into small states called emirates and ruled over them through emirs. These emirs also conquered Ilorin in the south and began to trade in slaves towards the end of the 19th century, thereby providing the British who were present on the west coast with an excuse to intervene. By 1903, the northern part of Nigeria had been brought under the British protectorate and was ruled through the emirs without any interference in the social, cultural, religious and educational affairs of the Hausa people.

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